如何在 r 中绘制多项式回归曲线


本教程介绍如何在 R 中绘制多项式回归曲线。

相关: 7 种最常见的回归类型

示例:在 R 中绘制多项式回归曲线


 #define data
x <- runif(50, 5, 15)
y <- 0.1*x^3 - 0.5 * x^2 - x + 5 + rnorm(length(x),0,10) 
#plot x vs. y
plot(x, y, pch= 16 , cex= 1.5 ) 
#fit polynomial regression model
fit <- lm(y ~ x + I(x^2) + I(x^3))
#use model to get predicted values
pred <- predict(fit)
ix <- sort(x, index. return = T )$ix

#add polynomial curve to plot
lines(x[ix], pred[ix], col=' red ', lwd= 2 )

在 R 中绘制多项式回归曲线


 #define data
x <- runif(50, 5, 15)
y <- 0.1*x^3 - 0.5 * x^2 - x + 5 + rnorm(length(x),0,10) 
#plot x vs. y
plot(x, y, pch=16, cex=1.5) 
#fit polynomial regression model
fit <- lm(y ~ x + I(x^2) + I(x^3))
#use model to get predicted values
pred <- predict(fit)
ix <- sort(x, index. return = T )$ix

#add polynomial curve to plot
lines(x[ix], pred[ix], col=' red ', lwd= 2 )

#get model coefficients
coeff <- round(fit$coefficients, 2)

#add fitted model equation to plot
text(9, 200 , paste("Model: ", coeff[1], " + ", coeff[2],
                    "*x", "+", coeff[3], "*x^2", "+", coeff[4], "*x^3"), cex= 1.3 )

请注意, cex参数控制文本的字体大小。默认值为 1,因此我们选择使用值1.3以使文本更易于阅读。


如何在 Python 中执行多项式回归


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