如何将伽玛分布拟合到 r 中的数据集
本教程介绍如何将伽玛分布拟合到 R 中的数据集。
在 R 中拟合伽玛分布
假设您有一个使用以下方法生成的数据集z :
#generate 50 random values that follow a gamma distribution with shape parameter = 3 #and shape parameter = 10 combined with some gaussian noise z <- rgamma(50, 3, 10) + rnorm(50, 0, .02) #view first 6 values head(z) [1] 0.07730 0.02495 0.12788 0.15011 0.08839 0.09941
要查看伽马分布对数据集z的拟合程度,我们可以使用 R 中的fitdistrplus包:
#install 'fitdistrplus' package if not already installed install. packages ('fitdistrplus') #load package library(fitdistrplus)
fitdist(dataset, distr = “您选择的分布”, method = “您的拟合数据方法”)
#fit our dataset to a gamma distribution using mle fit <- fitdist(z, distr = "gamma", method = "male") #view the summary of the fit summary(fit)
#produce plots
以下是我们用于将伽玛分布拟合到 R 数据集的完整代码:
#install 'fitdistrplus' package if not already installed install. packages ('fitdistrplus') #load package library(fitdistrplus) #generate 50 random values that follow a gamma distribution with shape parameter = 3 #and shape parameter = 10 combined with some gaussian noise z <- rgamma(50, 3, 10) + rnorm(50, 0, .02) #fit our dataset to a gamma distribution using mle fit <- fitdist(z, distr = "gamma", method = "male") #view the summary of the fit summary(fit) #produce plots to visualize the fit plot(fit)