Pandas:如何按列值拆分 dataframe

您可以使用以下基本语法按列值拆分 pandas DataFrame:

 #define value to split on
x = 20

#define df1 as DataFrame where 'column_name' is >= 20
df1 = df[df[' column_name '] >= x]

#define df2 as DataFrame where 'column_name' is < 20
df2 = df[df[' column_name '] < x]


示例:按列值拆分 Pandas DataFrame

假设我们有以下 pandas DataFrame:

 import pandas as pd

df = pd. DataFrame ({' team ': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H'],
                   ' points ': [22, 24, 19, 18, 14, 29, 31, 16],
                   ' rebounds ': [11, 8, 10, 6, 6, 5, 9, 12]})

#view DataFrame
print (df)

        team points rebounds
0 to 22 11
1 B 24 8
2 C 19 10
3 D 18 6
4 E 14 6
5 F 29 5
6 G 31 9

我们可以使用以下代码将 DataFrame 拆分为两个 DataFrame,其中第一个包含“点”大于或等于 20 的行,第二个包含“点”小于 20 的行:

 #define value to split on
x = 20

#define df1 as DataFrame where 'points' is >= 20
df1 = df[df[' points '] >= x]

print (df1)

  team points rebounds
0 to 22 11
1 B 24 8
5 F 29 5
6 G 31 9

#define df2 as DataFrame where 'points' is < 20
df2 = df[df[' points '] < x]

print (df2)

  team points rebounds
2 C 19 10
3 D 18 6
4 E 14 6


 #define value to split on
x = 20

#define df1 as DataFrame where 'points' is >= 20
df1 = df[df[' points '] >= x]. reset_index (drop= True )

print (df1)

  team points rebounds
0 to 22 11
1 B 24 8
2 F 29 5
3 G 31 9

#define df2 as DataFrame where 'points' is < 20
df2 = df[df[' points '] < x]. reset_index (drop= True )

print (df2)

  team points rebounds
0 C 19 10
1 D 18 6
2 E 14 6

请注意,每个生成的 DataFrame 的索引现在从 0 开始。


以下教程解释了如何修复 Python 中的其他常见错误:

如何修复 Pandas 中的 KeyError
如何修复:ValueError:无法将 float NaN 转换为 int


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