如何计算 r 中的比率(附示例)
方法一:使用Base R
#calculate ratio between variable1 and variable2 df$ratio <- df$variable1/df$variable1 #calculate ratio between variable1 and variable2, rounded to 2 decimal places df$ratio <- round(df$variable1/df$variable2, 2 )
library (dplyr) #calculate ratio between variable1 and variable2 df <- df %>% mutate(ratio = variable1/variable2) #calculate ratio between variable1 and variable2, rounded to 2 decimal places df <- df %>% mutate(ratio = round(variable1/variable2, 2 ))
#create data frame
df <- data. frame (players=c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H'),
makes=c(4, 4, 3, 6, 7, 8, 3, 10),
attempts=c(12, 7, 5, 6, 10, 12, 5, 19))
#view data frame
players makes attempts
1 to 4 12
2 B 4 7
3 C 3 5
4 D 6 6
5 E 7 10
6 F 8 12
7 G 3 5
8:10:19 a.m.
示例 1:使用 R 基数计算比率
以下代码展示了如何使用 R 基数计算标记和尝试列值之间的比率:
#calculate ratio between makes and attempts columns
df$ratio <- df$makes/df$attempts
#view updated data frame
players makes attempts ratio
1 A 4 12 0.3333333
2 B 4 7 0.5714286
3 C 3 5 0.6000000
4 D 6 6 1.0000000
5 E 7 10 0.7000000
6 F 8 12 0.6666667
7 G 3 5 0.6000000
8:10:19 AM 0.5263158
第一个玩家的尝试次数与尝试次数之比为 4/12 = 0.33 。
换句话说,第一位球员的投篮命中率约为33% 。
#calculate ratio between makes and attempts columns, rounded to 2 decimal places
df$ratio <- round(df$makes/df$attempts, 2 )
#view updated data frame
players makes attempts ratio
1 to 4 12 0.33
2 B 4 7 0.57
3 C 3 5 0.60
4 D 6 6 1.00
5 E 7 10 0.70
6 F 8 12 0.67
7 G 3 5 0.60
8:10:19 0.53
示例 2:使用 dplyr 计算比率
library (dplyr)
#add new column that shows ratio of makes to attempts
df <- df %>%
mutate(ratio = makes/attempts)
#view updated data frame
players makes attempts ratio
1 A 4 12 0.3333333
2 B 4 7 0.5714286
3 C 3 5 0.6000000
4 D 6 6 1.0000000
5 E 7 10 0.7000000
6 F 8 12 0.6666667
7 G 3 5 0.6000000
8:10:19 AM 0.5263158
library (dplyr)
#add new column that shows ratio of makes to attempts, rounded to 2 decimal places
df <- df %>%
mutate(ratio = round(makes/attempts, 2 ))
#view updated data frame
players makes attempts ratio
1 to 4 12 0.33
2 B 4 7 0.57
3 C 3 5 0.60
4 D 6 6 1.00
5 E 7 10 0.70
6 F 8 12 0.67
7 G 3 5 0.60
8:10:19 0.53
请注意,基本 R 方法和 dplyr 方法产生相同的结果。
以下教程解释了如何在 R 中执行其他常见任务:
如何使用 dplyr 按多个条件进行过滤