如何在 r 中删除数据框(附示例)
R 编程语言提供了两个有用的函数来显示和删除 R 工作区中的对象:
- ls():列出当前工作区中的所有对象
- rm():从当前工作空间中删除一个或多个对象
本教程介绍如何使用rm()函数删除 R 中的数据框,以及如何使用 ls()函数确认数据框已被删除。
以下代码显示了如何从当前 R 工作区中删除单个数据框:
#list all objects in current R workspace ls() [1] "df1" "df2" "df3" "x" #remove df1 rm(df1) #list all objects in workspace ls() [1] "df2" "df3" "x"
以下代码显示了如何从当前 R 工作区中删除多个数据框:
#list all objects in current R workspace ls() [1] "df1" "df2" "df3" "x" #remove df1 and df2 rm(" df1 ", " df2 ") #list all objects in workspace ls() [1] "df3" "x"
以下代码显示了如何删除当前 R 工作区中所有类型为“data.frame”的对象:
#list all objects in current R workspace ls() [1] "df1" "df2" "df3" "x" #remove all objects of type "data.frame" rm(list=ls(all= TRUE )[ sapply ( mget (ls(all= TRUE )), class) == " data.frame "]) #list all objects in workspace ls() [1] "x"
您还可以使用grepl() 函数删除所有包含短语“df”的工作区对象:
#list all objects in current R workspace ls() [1] "df1" "df2" "df3" "x" #remove all objects that contain "df" rm(list = ls()[ grepl (" df ", ls())]) #list all objects in workspace ls() [1] "x"
以下教程解释了如何在 R 中执行其他常见操作: