如何在 r 中轻松绘制卡方分布

要在 R 中创建卡方分布的密度图,我们可以使用以下函数:

  • dchisq()创建概率密度函数
  • Curve()绘制概率密度函数


例如,以下代码说明了如何创建自由度为 10 的卡方分布的密度图,其中图的 x 轴在 0 到 40 之间:

 curve(dchisq(x, df = 10), from = 0, to = 40)


我们还可以通过添加标题、更改 Y 轴标签、增加线宽和更改线颜色来编辑密度图:

 curve(dchisq(x, df = 10), from = 0, to = 40,
      main = 'Chi-Square Distribution (df = 10)', #add title
      ylab = 'Density', #change y-axis label
      lwd = 2, #increase line width to 2
      col = 'steelblue') #change line color to steelblue



以下代码演示了如何填充 x 值在 10 到 40 之间的绘图的密度部分:

 #create density curve
curve(dchisq(x, df = 10), from = 0, to = 40,
main = 'Chi-Square Distribution (df = 10)',
ylab = 'Density',
lwd = 2)

#create vector of x values
x_vector <- seq(10, 40)

#create vector of chi-square density values
p_vector <- dchisq(x_vector, df = 10)

#fill in portion of the density plot from 0 to 40
polygon(c(x_vector, rev(x_vector)), c(p_vector, rep(0, length(p_vector))),
        col = adjustcolor('red', alpha=0.3), border = NA)

以下代码演示了如何填充 x 值在 0 到 10 之间的绘图的密度部分:

 #create density curve
curve(dchisq(x, df = 10), from = 0, to = 40,
main = 'Chi-Square Distribution (df = 10)',
ylab = 'Density',
lwd = 2)

#create vector of x values
x_vector <- seq( 0, 10 )

#create vector of chi-square density values
p_vector <- dchisq(x_vector, df = 10)

#fill in portion of the density plot from 0 to 10
polygon(c(x_vector, rev(x_vector)), c(p_vector, rep(0, length(p_vector))),
        col = adjustcolor('red', alpha=0.3), border = NA)

以下代码说明了如何填充分布中心 95%之外的x 值的密度图部分:

 #create density curve
curve(dchisq(x, df = 10), from = 0, to = 40,
main = 'Chi-Square Distribution (df = 10)',
ylab = 'Density',
lwd = 2)

#find upper and lower values for middle 95% of distribution
lower95 <- qchisq(.025, 10)
upper95 <- qchisq(.975, 10)

#create vector of x values
x_lower95 <- seq(0, lower95)

#create vector of chi-square density values
p_lower95 <- dchisq(x_lower95, df = 10)

#fill in portion of the density plot from 0 to lower 95% value
polygon(c(x_lower95, rev(x_lower95)), c(p_lower95, rep(0, length(p_lower95))),
        col = adjustcolor('red', alpha=0.3), border = NA)

#create vector of x values
x_upper95 <- seq(upper95, 40)

#create vector of chi-square density values
p_upper95 <- dchisq(x_upper95, df = 10)

#fill in portion of the density plot for upper 95% value to end of plot
polygon(c(x_upper95, rev(x_upper95)), c(p_upper95, rep(0, length(p_upper95))),
        col = adjustcolor('red', alpha=0.3), border = NA)

最后,以下代码说明了如何填充落在分布的中心 95% 范围的 x 值的密度图部分:

 #create density curve
curve(dchisq(x, df = 10), from = 0, to = 40,
main = 'Chi-Square Distribution (df = 10)',
ylab = 'Density',
lwd = 2)

#find upper and lower values for middle 95% of distribution
lower95 <- qchisq(.025, 10)
upper95 <- qchisq(.975, 10)

#create vector of x values
x_vector <- seq(lower95, upper95)

#create vector of chi-square density values
p_vector <- dchisq(x_vector, df = 10)

#fill in density plot
polygon(c(x_vector, rev(x_vector)), c(p_vector, rep(0, length(p_vector))),
        col = adjustcolor('red', alpha=0.3), border = NA)


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