Cara memeriksa versi paket mana yang dimuat di r

Anda dapat menggunakan fungsi berikut untuk memeriksa versi paket mana yang dimuat di R:

 #display package version
packageVersion(" ggplot2 ")

#display the date when this package version was released
packageDate(" ggplot2 ")

#display description of the package
packageDescription(" ggplot2 ")

Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakan fungsi-fungsi ini dalam praktiknya.

Contoh: Periksa versi paket mana yang dimuat di R

Katakanlah kita memuat paket ggplot2 ke lingkungan R kita saat ini:

 library (ggplot2)

Kita dapat menggunakan fungsi packageVersion() untuk memeriksa versi ggplot2 mana yang dimuat:

 #display package version
packageVersion(" ggplot2 ")

[1] '3.3.2'

Kami melihat bahwa versi 3.2.2 dimuat.

Untuk mengetahui kapan versi ini dirilis, Anda dapat menggunakan fungsi packageDate() :

 #display the date when this package version was released
packageDate(" ggplot2 ")

[1] "2020-06-17"

Kita bisa melihat bahwa versi ini dirilis pada 17 Juni 2020.

Dan untuk menampilkan deskripsi paket, kita dapat menggunakan fungsi packageDescription() :

 #display description of the package
packageDescription(" ggplot2 ")

Package: ggplot2
Version: 3.3.2
Title: Create Elegant Data Visualizations Using the Grammar of Graphics
Description: A system for 'declaratively' creating graphics, based on
        "The Grammar of Graphics". You provide the data, tell 'ggplot2'
        how to map variables to aesthetics, what graphical primitives
        to use, and it takes care of the details.
Authors@R: c( person("Hadley", "Wickham", , "",
        "aut", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-4757-117X"),
        person("Winston", "Chang", , role = "aut", comment = c(ORCID =
        "0000-0002-1576-2126"), person("Lionel", "Henry", , role =
        "aut"), person("Thomas Lin", "Pedersen", ,
        "", role = c("aut", "cre"), comment
        = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-5147-4711"), person("Kohske",
        "Takahashi", role = "aut"), person("Claus", "Wilke", role =
        "aut", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-7470-9261"),
        person("Kara", "Woo", role = "aut", comment = c(ORCID =
        "0000-0002-5125-4188"), person("Hiroaki", "Yutani", role =
        "aut", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-3385-7233"),
        person("Dewey", "Dunnington", role = "aut", comment = c(ORCID =
        "0000-0002-9415-4582"), person("RStudio", role = c("cph",
Depends: R (>= 3.2)
Imports: digest, glue, grDevices, grid, gtable (>= 0.1.1), isoband,
        MASS, mgcv, rlang (>= 0.3.0), scales (>= 0.5.0), stats, tibble,
        withr (>= 2.0.0)
Suggested: covr, dplyr, ggplot2movies, hexbin, Hmisc, knitr, lattice,
        mapproj, maps, maptools, multcomp, munsell, nlme, profvis,
        quantreg, RColorBrewer, rgeos, rmarkdown, rpart, sf (>= 0.7-3),
        svglite (>=, testthat (>= 2.1.0), vdiffr (>= 0.3.0)
License: GPL-2 | LICENSE file
LazyData: true
Collate: 'ggproto.r' 'ggplot-global.R' 'aaa-.r'
        'aes-color-fill-alpha.r' .....
ThumbnailBuilder: knitr
Roxygen Note:
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2020-06-17 06:03:58 UTC; thomas
Author: Hadley Wickham [aut] (<>),
        Winston Chang [aut] (<>),
        Lionel Henry [aut], Thomas Lin Pedersen [aut, cre]
        (<>), Kohske Takahashi
        [aut], Claus Wilke [aut]
        (<>), Kara Woo [aut]
        (<>), Hiroaki Yutani [aut]
        (<>), Dewey Dunnington
        [aut] (<>), RStudio [cph,
Maintainer: Thomas Lin Pedersen <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2020-06-19 13:00:03 UTC
Built: R 4.0.3; ; 2020-11-20 18:07:33 UTC; unix

-- File: /usr/lib/R/site-library/ggplot2/Meta/package.rds

Deskripsinya mencakup penjelasan singkat tentang fungsi paket, siapa yang membuat paket, di mana melaporkan bug, kapan dirilis, dan banyak lagi.

Sumber daya tambahan

Tutorial berikut menjelaskan cara melakukan tugas umum lainnya di R:

Cara membersihkan lingkungan di R
Bagaimana cara memeriksa apakah file ada di R
Cara menggunakan setwd/getwd di R

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